Tuesday, February 12, 2008

it's a noun

as of now, i'm not sure anymore if it's still the path that i really want to take.
boredom, annoyance, mind constipation and dullness usually takes place.
even before, i know this is not what i really want.
i don't how and why i get into it?
it's my fault anyways, i didn't make any research about it.
my aggressiveness/impulsiveness occurs on that part.
i don't know what will happen next or how it will affect my future especially to my career.

it's so lame.
freakin lame.

i don't know what i want anymore.
i'm scared.
IT world really sucks.
i don't fit in.
i know and feel that it's not for me.

RYM (as an IT) in the dictionary after 10 years:

Main Entry: Rym
Pronunciation: \'rim\
Function: noun
: penniless; nillionaire, destitute of money

watdapak. never in my dreams..

0 crazy peeps: